ΝΕΟΣ Κύκλος Μαθημάτων Ξεκίνησε !  Έναρξη μαθημάτων 12 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2025. ΠΡΟΕΞΟΦΛΗΣΕ την Εκπαίδευσή σου και Κέρδισε 10% Έκπτωση. *Η Προσφορά ισχύει για ΟΛΑ τα Courses με έναρξη 12 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2025. *code PRM-311214

Εγγραφή Τώρα! ή  Μάθετε περισσότερα

Φορεσε την "ζώνη ασφαλείας" του Airline Training Center και απογείωθειτε επαγγελματικά.

Η πολύχρονη εμπειρία μας στο χώρο των Τουριστικών Πρακτορείων , μας κατευθύνει έτσι ώστε η προετοιμασία των υποψηφίων να μην αποσκοπεί μόνο στην απόκτηση του πτυχίου ΙΑΤΑ/UFTAA αλλά και στην πρακτική κατάρτιση του αντικειμένου.

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5 ΙΑΤΑ courses in 1 (one)

Πληροφορίες για τα Μαθήματα μας


Εκπαιδευόμαστε στα «μυστικά» που διέπουν την σύγχρονη Αεροπορική εταιρία , στην δομή , στην λειτουργία , στον επιχειρησιακό προγραμματισμό , στο marketing στο revenue και γενικότερα στην πιστοποιημένη επαγγελματική κατάρτιση των «μελλοντικών» στελεχών Αεροπορικής εταιρίας .

Airline Cabin Crew Training


Ticket Re-Pricing, Exchange and Reissue



Εκπαιδευόμαστε στα «μυστικά» που διέπουν τα σύγχρονα Αεροδρόμια και τις επίγειες εξυπηρετήσεις των Αεροσκαφών. Αντικείμενα που φέρουν εξειδικευμένη βαρύτητα εκπαίδευσης όπως το Operation , Ramp Service , Management operation , Passengers Service είναι course που διακατέχονται κάτω από τις Παγκόσμιες προδιαγραφές κανόνων Αεροδρομίων που ισχύουν σε όλα τα κράτη του κόσμου.

IATA Cargo Introductory Course



Εκπαιδευόμαστε στα «μυστικά» που διέπουν την σύγχρονη λειτουργία μίας Τουριστικής επιχείρησης ( Ταξιδιωτικό Πρακτορείο, Εταιρία Ενοικιάσεως Αυτοκινήτων , Ξενοδοχεία κ.α) κλάδοι της Τουριστικής μας δυναμικής που χρήζουν εξειδικευμένη Εκπαίδευση για την Παγκόσμια ανταγωνιστικότητα .

Foundation in Travel and Tourism


Travel & Tourism – CONSULTANT


Managing the Travel Business


BSP Essentials for Travel Agents


BSP Essentials for Travel Agents + Final Examinations


Ticket Re-Pricing, Exchange and Reissue



Η νέα μέδοθος εκπαίδευσης εξ αποστάσεως παρέχει την δυνατότητα σε υποψηφίους να εκπαιδευτούν από το μέρος που κατοικούν ή εργάζονται ΧΩΡΙΣ να μεταβούν στα Εκπαιδευτικά κέντρα των αστικών πόλεων (Αθήνα ή Θεσσαλονίκη). Η μέθοδος είναι τόση διαδεδομένη Παγκοσμίως που ενδιαφέρον εκφράζουν πολλοί υποψήφιοι από «γειτονικές» και όχι μόνο Χώρες. Τομείς της e-learning εκπαίδευσης (Aviation-Cargo-Travel and Tourism) fqinje.

Airline Cabin Crew Training


Ticket Re-Pricing, Exchange and Reissue


5 ΙΑΤΑ courses in 1 (one)...assured work in all Airports


Passenger Ground Services


Ground Operation Management


Airport Ramp Services


Passenger Ground Services with Amadeus ALTEA DCS e-Learning course


Airport Operation Fundamentals


Aviation Security Awareness


Aviation Security Awareness e-Learning


Basic Airside Safety e-Learning


IATA Cargo Introductory Course


Smart AMADEUS Systems


Smart SABRE Systems


Foundation in Travel and Tourism


Travel & Tourism – CONSULTANT


Managing the Travel Business


BSP Essentials for Travel Agents


BSP Essentials for Travel Agents + Final Examinations


Ticket Re-Pricing, Exchange and Reissue



IATA - Harvard Business Publishing flexible training

Boost your management skills with top-notch training IATA and Harvard Business Publishing have partnered to offer the next generation of professionals at all levels new powerful distance learning options focused on leadership and management.

The Training Program includes access to Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) - the highly acclaimed e-learning program. HMM consists of over 44 modules. It incorporates state-of-the-art, media-rich content furnished by Harvard Business School faculty, global business leaders and the foremost practitioners in business today. The program spans a full scope of essential management topics, enhancing aviation and travel industry professional training. How to benefit

Leadership & Management Training Program This training program combines eligible Distance Learning courses from the International Aviation Training Program, International Travel and Tourism Training Program, and International Cargo Training Program with components of HMM. Complete 1 eligible distance learning course in any of the aviation, cargo, travel and tourism areas and 10 HMM modules of your choice to receive a Leadership & Management diploma in the following specialty areas:

  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Aviation (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Travel and Tourism (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Cargo (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)

44 Module

Leadership & Management Training Program

Leadership & Management Training Program

Enhance your critical leadership and management skills through training for supervisors and managers with IATA & Harvard ManageMentor. A new distance learning option for world-class management training This Diploma combines 1 eligible IATA distance learning course with any 10 (out of the over 40) Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) modules - the highly acclaimed e-learning program from Harvard Business Publishing.

What will you learn
Combine selected IATA distance learning topics with leadership and management skills online training (see eligible courses under "Requirements and Registration"). Earn the Leadership and Management Diploma, offered in cooperation with Harvard Business School Publishing

Who should attend
Anyone wishing to pursue a management carees across aviation, travel and tourism or cargo industry sectors Anyone wishing to upgrade their skills and competencies

Additional info
The IATA courses:
Are available in printed version and some in ebook format and accessible by all electronic devices. Aviation and Travel & Tourism courses are delivered in ebook format only (ebooks can be printed by the student). IATA self-study courses require between 40 and 120 hours of self-study. You will be granted two free attempts to pass the IATA course exams within an 18-month enrolment period. Exams are organized in many countries around the world. See IATA course and exam procedures.

The HMM modules:
HMM course descriptions can be downloaded here(pdf) Access to the HMM program is valid for 8 months from the date access is provided. Each module requires 2-4 hours study time and the exam is administered online. A certificate of completion is awarded at the end of each HMM module to students who pass with 70% and have viewed 70% of the module content.

To claim your Leadership and Management Diploma, you must successfully complete both, the IATA eligible course and the minimum 10 required HMM modules. However, you may study as many HMM modules as you wish.

Leadership & Management Training Program

Leadership & Management Training Program

Requirements & Registration
This training program combines 1 eligible distance learning course in any of the aviation, cargo, travel and tourism areas and 10 HMM modules of your choice to receive the Leadership & Managent diploma in your preferred specialty area:

  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Aviation (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Travel and Tourism (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Cargo (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)

To earn the Diploma in Leadership & Management in any of the above specialty areas, select the distance learning course of your choice from the list below (all include access to HMM).


  • Air Transport Fundamentals with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Cabin Crew Training with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Customer Service with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Finance & Accounting Management with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Marketing (Second Edition) with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Revenue Management with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airport Operations Fundamentals with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airport Ramp Services with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Aviation Security Awareness Course with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Introduction to Safety Management Systems (SMS) with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Introduction to the Airline Industry with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Foundation in Travel and Tourism for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • IATA Cargo Introductory Course for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • IATA Cargo Advanced Rating and Marketing for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • Managing the Travel Business for the Leadership & Management Diploma
  • Travel and Tourism Consultant for the Leadership & Management Diploma
  • Ground Operations Management with Harvard ManageMentor


Εκπαιδευόμαστε στα «μυστικά» που διέπουν τα σύγχρονα Αεροδρόμια και τις επίγειες εξυπηρετήσεις των Αεροσκαφών. Αντικείμενα που φέρουν εξειδικευμένη βαρύτητα εκπαίδευσης όπως το Operation , Ramp Service , Management operation , Passengers Service είναι course που διακατέχονται κάτω από τις Παγκόσμιες προδιαγραφές κανόνων Αεροδρομίων που ισχύουν σε όλα τα κράτη του κόσμου. .

5 ΙΑΤΑ courses in 1 (one)...assured work in all Airports


Passenger Ground Services


Ground Operation Management


Airport Ramp Services


Passenger Ground Services with Amadeus ALTEA DCS e-Learning course


Airport Operation Fundamentals


Aviation Security Awareness


Aviation Security Awareness e-Learning


Basic Airside Safety e-Learning


Ticket Re-Pricing, Exchange and Reissue



Μάθετε πώς να πραγματοποιείτε και να διαχειρίζεστε τις κρατήσεις για πτήσεις, ξενοδοχεία και ενοικιάσεις αυτοκινήτων στο σύστημα Amadeus - Sabre, χρησιμοποιώντας το μοναδικό πρόγραμμα προσομοίωσης μας. Η Amadeus - Sabre είναι ένα από τα πιο ευρέως χρησιμοποιούμενα συστήματα κράτησης κρατήσεων στην ταξιδιωτική βιομηχανία και αποτελεί ένα απαραίτητο εργαλείο για κάθε επίδοξο ταξίδια επαγγελματικά. Αυτό το έξυπνο μάθημα θα σας δείξει πώς να χρησιμοποιούν το σύστημα Amadeus - σύστημα Sabre για κοινά σενάρια κράτησης και να σας διδάξει βασικές συναλλαγές που θα σας βοηθήσουν να ξεχωρίζει στην ανταγωνιστική τουριστική βιομηχανία

Smart AMADEUS Systems


Smart SABRE Systems



Μέσα στα πλαίσια της εξειδίκευσης και του πλουραλισμού των εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων της, η ΙΑΤΑ το 2011 πραγματοποίησε συνεργασία με το Harvard Business Publishing στο τομέα του Management. Δίνεται η δυνατότητα στους σπουδαστές που θα επιλέξουν ένα πρόγραμμα της ΙΑΤΑ, παράλληλα να παρακολουθήσουν και να αποκτήσουν μέσα σε διάστημα 8 μηνών το δίπλωμα Leadership & Management Training Program Με την εγγραφή σας στο πρόγραμμα IATA- HARVARD έχετε πρόσβαση σε 44 ενότητες του Management. Με την Airline Training Center και την Συνεργασία - βοήθεια από άριστα καταρτισμένους καθηγητές, εγκεκριμένους από την ΙΑΤΑ και το HARVARD γίνετε η επιλογή και η εκμάθηση δέκα (10) ενοτήτων που είναι απαραίτητες για την απόκτηση του διπλώματος.


IATA - Harvard Business Publishing flexible training

Boost your management skills with top-notch training IATA and Harvard Business Publishing have partnered to offer the next generation of professionals at all levels new powerful distance learning options focused on leadership and management.

The Training Program includes access to Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) - the highly acclaimed e-learning program. HMM consists of over 44 modules. It incorporates state-of-the-art, media-rich content furnished by Harvard Business School faculty, global business leaders and the foremost practitioners in business today. The program spans a full scope of essential management topics, enhancing aviation and travel industry professional training. How to benefit

Leadership & Management Training Program This training program combines eligible Distance Learning courses from the International Aviation Training Program, International Travel and Tourism Training Program, and International Cargo Training Program with components of HMM. Complete 1 eligible distance learning course in any of the aviation, cargo, travel and tourism areas and 10 HMM modules of your choice to receive a Leadership & Management diploma in the following specialty areas:

  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Aviation (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Travel and Tourism (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Cargo (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)

44 Module

Leadership & Management Training Program

Leadership & Management Training Program

Enhance your critical leadership and management skills through training for supervisors and managers with IATA & Harvard ManageMentor. A new distance learning option for world-class management training This Diploma combines 1 eligible IATA distance learning course with any 10 (out of the over 40) Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) modules - the highly acclaimed e-learning program from Harvard Business Publishing.

What will you learn
Combine selected IATA distance learning topics with leadership and management skills online training (see eligible courses under "Requirements and Registration"). Earn the Leadership and Management Diploma, offered in cooperation with Harvard Business School Publishing

Who should attend
Anyone wishing to pursue a management carees across aviation, travel and tourism or cargo industry sectors Anyone wishing to upgrade their skills and competencies

Additional info
The IATA courses:
Are available in printed version and some in ebook format and accessible by all electronic devices. Aviation and Travel & Tourism courses are delivered in ebook format only (ebooks can be printed by the student). IATA self-study courses require between 40 and 120 hours of self-study. You will be granted two free attempts to pass the IATA course exams within an 18-month enrolment period. Exams are organized in many countries around the world. See IATA course and exam procedures.

The HMM modules:
HMM course descriptions can be downloaded here(pdf) Access to the HMM program is valid for 8 months from the date access is provided. Each module requires 2-4 hours study time and the exam is administered online. A certificate of completion is awarded at the end of each HMM module to students who pass with 70% and have viewed 70% of the module content.

To claim your Leadership and Management Diploma, you must successfully complete both, the IATA eligible course and the minimum 10 required HMM modules. However, you may study as many HMM modules as you wish.

Leadership & Management Training Program

Leadership & Management Training Program

Requirements & Registration
This training program combines 1 eligible distance learning course in any of the aviation, cargo, travel and tourism areas and 10 HMM modules of your choice to receive the Leadership & Managent diploma in your preferred specialty area:

  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Aviation (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Travel and Tourism (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)
  • Leadership & Management Training Program with specialty in Cargo (with Harvard ManageMentor courses)

To earn the Diploma in Leadership & Management in any of the above specialty areas, select the distance learning course of your choice from the list below (all include access to HMM).


  • Air Transport Fundamentals with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Cabin Crew Training with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Customer Service with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Finance & Accounting Management with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Marketing (Second Edition) with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airline Revenue Management with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airport Operations Fundamentals with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Airport Ramp Services with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Aviation Security Awareness Course with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Introduction to Safety Management Systems (SMS) with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Introduction to the Airline Industry with Harvard ManageMentor
  • Foundation in Travel and Tourism for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • IATA Cargo Introductory Course for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • IATA Cargo Advanced Rating and Marketing for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for the Leadership & Management Training Program
  • Managing the Travel Business for the Leadership & Management Diploma
  • Travel and Tourism Consultant for the Leadership & Management Diploma
  • Ground Operations Management with Harvard ManageMentor

και περισσότερα...

( Απαραίτητο για Ιπτάμενα Πληρώματα Καμπίνας Αεροσκαφών). Aποκτήστε το Πτυχίo της ΙΑΤΑ AIRLINE CABIN CREW και επανδρώστε το βιογραφικό σας για μία θέση εργασίας σε όλες τις Αεροπορικές Εταιρίες του Κόσμου.
(αναγκαίο για την λειτουργία ενός Τουριστικού Πρακτορείου ή Εργασία σε Αεροδρόμιο). Αποκτήστε το Πτυχίο ΙΑΤΑ-Foundation και εργαστείτε ή ιδρύστε Τουριστικό Πρακτορείο , σε επίγεια εξυπηρέτηση Αεροσκάφους (Handling Agent – Olympic Handling , Goldair Handling , Swissport etc.) ή σε οποιαδήποτε Αεροπορική εταιρεία σε Εργασία εδάφους στο ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΟ .
(αποτελεί βασική προϋπόθεση για την λειτουργία ενός τουριστικού γραφείου ως IATA Cargo Agent).Αποκτήστε το πτυχίο IATA/FIATA Introductory Course Diploma. Το παραπάνω πτυχίο είναι απαραίτητο για τα άτομα που ασχολούνται και εργάζονται με τις αερομεταφορές εμπορευμάτων, για στελέχη αεροπορικών εταιρειών που εργάζονται στα τμήματα CARGO , πωλήσεων και κρατήσεων , για στελέχη γραφείων μεταφορών που εκδίδουν φορτωτικές και έντυπα για την εισαγωγή και εξαγωγή εμπορευμάτων.

Tο νέο πρόγραμμα e-learning της Airline Training Center σε προετοιμάζει σε 60 μόλις ημέρες

για την απόκτηση των πτυχίων της ΙΑΤΑ και μπορείτε να το παρακολουθήσετε από απόσταση μέσω υπολογιστή !